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The term of office of three elected directors will expire at the 2024 AGM along with one director serving under a casual vacancy. In addition, due to a resignation, one vacant position is also available for election at the 2024 AGM. There are five vacancies to be filled by election and we are seeking nominations for these positions.

At our Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 26 November 2024, Clean Energy Council members will conduct an election of directors in accordance with clause 10 of the Clean Energy Council’s Constitution.

Across these vacancies, the three nominees with the highest votes cast will serve a three-year term, while the nominees with the fourth and fifth highest votes will serve a one-year term.

The CEC benefits from having diverse perspectives on the Board and encourages candidates with a range of backgrounds to apply – differences might include gender, geography, technology type, experience / skill set, scale of operations including behind the meter and utility-scale, and scale of business for the member they work for.

The Constitution of the Clean Energy Council Ltd provides for the Board of Directors to be comprised of not more than nine elected directors who must be a member or an employee of a member. The relevant provisions of the Constitution are set out in Appendix 1 of the Call for Nominations Notice.


How to nominate

The nomination form has been emailed to the primary contact at each member company and is available here. Nominations must be submitted by no later than 5.00pm (AEDT) Friday 25 October and must be in the format prescribed in clause 10.4(b) of the Constitution.

Nominees are required to execute and submit:

  • A nomination form
  • A statement not exceeding 100 words summarising their biography plus any relevant board and governance experience (which might include qualifications such as being a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors) 
  • A statement not exceeding 100 words setting out why they are seeking election and what they hope to bring to the CEC Board of Directors.  

Nominations must be submitted in writing via or by mail to:

The Company Secretary
Clean Energy Council
Level 20 180 Lonsdale Street Melbourne 300

The role of the Board of Directors

The primary role of the Board is to:

  • Set organisation strategy and oversee its delivery
  • Monitor the organisation’s performance and impact
  • Ensure adequate resources are available to achieve the organisation’s strategy
  • Oversee processes to comply with legal and regulatory requirements
  • Oversee a risk management framework that supports informed decision making by the organisation
  • Report progress to and align collective interests of members, board, management and employees.

Directors are not representatives of their employers but instead have a duty to act in the interests of the CEC.

Typically, there are six full Board meetings a year, each lasting half a day, some of which are held in person in different cities and others online. Board members additionally sit on one sub-committee: Finance and Risk; People and Performance; or Governance. There are occasionally shorter out-of-session meetings and Directors are also invited to a range of CEC events.


  • 7 October - Nominations open 
  • 25 October 2024 - Nominations close at 5.00pm (AEDT) 
  • 11 November 2024 – Nominees announced and listed on the Clean Energy Council’s website and online voting opens (only the primary contact of a Clean Energy Council member organisation may vote; the option for that representative to nominate a proxy will be available) 
  • 26 November 2024 – AGM and voting closes
  • 27 November 2024 – Board election results announced