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17 Sep 2024

New Australian standards for photovoltaic modules will soon be implemented by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), the organisation that prepares and publishes international standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies.

From October 1, 2024 all PV modules approved by the Clean Energy Council (CEC) will be required to comply with the 2021 edition of the IEC 61215 series, with limited exceptions.

What this means for industry:

  • PV modules certified to IEC 61215:2021 will have a suffix (IEC 61215-2021) included on their CEC approved product listing. Manufacturers will not be required to print this suffix on any product labels or manufacturer documentation.
  • A small number of PV module products have been granted an extension until March 31, 2025 due to extenuating circumstances.
  • Only PV modules with labels and/or markings indicating conformance with the 2021 version of IEC 61215 will continue to be eligible for STCs after October 1, 2024.
  • PV modules that do not comply with the new standard after October 1, 2024 will not be considered CEC Approved, impacting their eligibility for Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs).
  • PV module product nameplate labels generally contain a reference to the specific version of the IEC 61215 standard that the module is certified to. If unsure of this information, please contact your supplier or the PV module manufacturer.
  • If your PV module label shows compliance to the 2016 version of IEC 61215, said product must be installed prior to its CEC listing expiration date, or October 1, 2024.
  • Retailers and installers are also advised to consider the timeframe needed to clear any existing stock certified to the 2016 version of IEC 61215.

PV module manufacturers, importers and distributors please note:

  • From April 1, 2024, the CEC ceased accepting applications for PV modules with IEC 61215:2016 certification. All new PV module applications submitted from 1 April 2024 onwards must be certified against the IEC 61215:2021 standard.
  • From October 1, 2024, PV modules approved by the CEC are required to be compliant with the 2021 edition of the IEC 61215 series.
  • Modules with a CEC listing expiration date of September 30, 2024 or earlier are not certified to 2021 standardsand will not be considered CEC Approved, nor eligible for STCs after this date:
    • A grandfathering extension to September 30, 2024 is automatically in effect for CEC Approved Product listings certified to the 2016 version of IEC 61215 set to expire by this date (from April 1, 2024 onwards). This is to allow for sufficient time for obsolete stock to be cleared.
    • For remaining PV modules to remain CEC Approved post-September 30, 2024, a new application with IEC 61215:2021 (and IEC 61730:2016) must be submitted.
  • PV modules with a CEC listing expiration date of March 31, 2025 were given an extension and will not be considered CEC Approved, nor eligible for STCs after this date.
  • PV modules with a CEC listing expiration date after March 31, 2025 are certified to 2021 standards and are considered CEC Approved post-October 1, 2024. These modules also have the IEC 61215-2021 suffix and are eligible for STCs now and into the future.
  • Assessments of enhanced listings requests submitted with a PV module application for CEC Approved status are free of charge.
  • Updates to currently approved listings for PV modules with enhanced listing features incur a fee of $1000 (+GST).

An updated enhanced listing checklist is available on the CEC website.

For any questions regarding the enhanced listings requirements or to update a currently approved PV listing with enhanced listings features please contact the CEC Products Team at


For more information or to arrange an interview, contact:

Liam Straughan
Clean Energy Council Media Officer
+61 409 470 683