The clean energy industry includes a wide variety of different technologies.
Each technology area requires unique skills and qualifications.
This part of the guide provides information on the types of occupations available in each of the technologies that currently make up the clean energy industry.

Battery storage careers
Use of storage batteries has seen steady growth thanks to leaps in technology and rapid declines in cost.

Electric vehicle careers
The electric vehicle (EV) sector is a burgeoning industry that is set to grow over the next few years and decades.

Hydro power careers
New hydro projects are being built, especially for pumped hydro, and existing assets are seeing upgrades.

Large-scale solar careers
Building many new large-scale solar farms will call for experienced workers over the next decade.

Small-scale solar careers
Rooftop solar installation and maintenance skills will always be needed in Australia.

Wind careers
The wind sector is an expanding employment opportunity in Australia.
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